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Understanding the Different Techniques Used in Hair Transplants

Hair loss is a stressful experience for many individuals, affecting their self-esteem and confidence. Fortunately, hair transplant procedures have advanced significantly over the years, providing effective solutions for hair restoration. Suppose you’re considering a hair transplant in Melbourne. In that case, it’s essential to understand the different techniques available to make an informed decision. In this guide, we will explore the various types of hair transplant procedures, how they work, and their benefits, and answer some frequently asked questions.

What Is a Hair Transplantation Procedure, and How Can Melbourne Patients Benefit?

Hair transplantation is a process of transferring hair follicles from one area of the body (the donor area) to a balding or thinning area (the recipient area). Melbourne patients can benefit from hair transplant procedures by regaining natural-looking hair, boosting their self-confidence, and improving their overall appearance.

What Treatment to Choose?

When considering a hair transplant in Melbourne, choosing the right treatment option is essential based on your specific needs and goals. Here are the three main types of hair transplant procedures commonly used:

  1. DHI – Direct Hair Transplant

DHI is the least common compared to other transplant techniques as it is more timely and costly. The transplant technique uses fine instruments to extract the grafts and implant the hair follicles simultaneously.

  1. FUE – Follicular Unit Extraction

When comparing Follicular Unit Extraction hair transplant to the other techniques, it is by far the most popular due to its natural-looking results and low possibility of scarring while being more affordable.

  1. FUT – Follicular Unit Transplant

FUT is an older method that leaves more scars and has a longer recovery time. It is no longer the preferred hair transplant technique due to technological advancements.

  1. The Benefits of Hair Transplant

Hair transplant offers several benefits over other hair restoration methods. Here are some advantages of hair transplant procedures:

  • Permanent results: Hair transplants provide a long-lasting solution as the transplanted hair is resistant to balding.
  • Natural appearance: The transplanted hair grows naturally and blends seamlessly with the existing hair.
  • Increased self-confidence: Restoring your hair can significantly boost your self-esteem and confidence.
  • Low maintenance: Transplanted hair requires no special care and can be treated like natural hair.
  • Minimal downtime: Recovery time is relatively short, and most individuals can return to their daily activities within a few days.

How the Process Works

Hair transplant procedure typically involves the following stages:


  • Consultation: You will meet with a hair transplant doctor to discuss your goals, examine your hair loss pattern, and determine the best treatment plan.
  • Evaluation: The doctor will evaluate your donor area to ensure you have sufficient hair follicles for transplantation.
  • Medical history and tests: Your medical history and any underlying conditions will be assessed. Preoperative tests may be conducted to ensure you’re a suitable candidate for the procedure.

 On the Day of Transplant

  • Anesthesia: Local anesthesia will ensure you’re comfortable during the procedure.
  • Donor hair extraction: Hair follicles are removed from the donor location, typically the back of the head, in FUE and FUT procedures.
  • Graft preparation: The extracted hair follicles are carefully prepared for transplantation.
  • Recipient area preparation: The recipient area is cleaned and prepared for receiving the grafts.
  • Graft transplantation: The prepared hair follicles are strategically implanted into the recipient area, ensuring natural growth patterns.


  • Recovery: You will receive aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing and minimise discomfort.
  • Shedding and regrowth: The transplanted hair will initially shed, but new hair growth will start within a few months.
  • Follow-up visits: Regular follow-up appointments will be set to check on your development and resolve any issues.

Why Choose Atlantis Medical for Your Hair Transplant

Atlantis Medical is a trusted hair transplant clinic in Melbourne, offering high-quality hair restoration procedures. Here’s why you should choose Atlantis Medical for your hair transplant:

  • Experience and expertise: With over 20 years of experience in cosmetic treatment, our cosmetic doctors have the skill and expertise required for your hair loss treatment.
  • Patient safety and well-being: We prioritise our patients’ safety and well-being, ensuring you receive the highest standard of care throughout your journey.
  • Competitive prices and financing options: We offer reasonable prices for our hair transplant techniques and financing options for your convenience.
  • Free consultation: If you’re a resident looking for a transplant clinic in Melbourne, contact us to book your free consultation and discuss your options.

How Much Does a Hair Transplant Cost in Melbourne?

The price of hair transplant in Melbourne varies depending on the number of grafts required. Atlantis Medical offers different size procedures, and here is a price guide for hair transplant:

  • 500 grafts for only $3,500
  • 2000 grafts for only $5,990
  • 3000 grafts for only $9,000

These prices are all-inclusive, with no hidden charges for theater fees or costs.


  1. What is the success rate of hair transplants?
  • The success rate of hair transplants is generally high, with most patients experiencing satisfactory and long-lasting results. The success rate can vary depending on individual factors such as the doctor’s skill, the quality of the donor’s hair, and post-operative care.
  1. When should I get a hair transplant?
  • The ideal time for a hair transplant varies from person to person. It is best to consult a hair transplant doctor who can assess your condition and recommend the most suitable timing for the procedure.
  1. Can you still go bald after a hair transplant?
  • A hair transplant procedure redistributes healthy hair follicles to the balding areas, providing long-lasting results. However, it is crucial to remember that hair loss might persist in untreated regions, so proper upkeep and follow-up care are required to maintain the overall appearance.


Understanding the different techniques used in hair transplants is essential when considering hair restoration options. You can choose a course of therapy that meets your needs and expectations by becoming familiar with the options, their advantages, and the hair transplant procedure. If you’re seeking a trusted hair transplant clinic in Melbourne, Atlantis Medical offers professional and affordable solutions to help you regain natural-looking hair and restore your confidence. Contact us for a free consultation and take the first step toward your hair restoration journey.