Atlantis Medical

Female Hair Loss


Female Hair Loss Treatment Melbourne

Female hair loss is becoming increasingly common and prevalent. This can be a great cause of concern and distress for anyone who is experiencing this. It is important that this is diagnosed and the correct treatment be commenced in order to thicken and restore the hair loss that has occurred.


Hair loss in women can be due to a combination of factors such as age, hormonal levels, and genetics.


Medication can be prescribed to try and stop the progression of hair loss and stimulate further hair growth. In some cases, hair transplant is an appropriate treatment option to add more hair to a particular area.

Female Hair Loss Clinic

Female hair loss can be devastating. A lot of focus seems to hone in on men’s experiences of hair thinning and hair loss, but let’s be real: hormonal changes, peri-menopause, menopause and post-partum hair changes can create a dramatic impact on how a woman feels about her appearance.

At the same time, weaves, clip-in extensions and so on can offer temporary reprieve, but there’s nothing like the feeling of having your lustrous locks restored from within, offering you the confidence to style your hair exactly as you like (particularly for special occasions.)

Female Hair Loss Treatment Melbourne

Trichologists identify three major periods of the lifespan, which each present varying types of hair-growth. Firstly, as infants, most people have very fine, sparse hair, which grows in tufts and maybe curls too. Some babies, as you know, are also already born with a full-head of hair, but it will still be of the texture identified as “baby’s-hair.” During puberty, human hair changes again and gradually peaks in thickness, fullness and length.

The duration of this middle-stage continues depending on heredity and overall health and wellbeing, plus stress-levels and even environmental impacts (eg water-quality and air pollution levels!) Incidentally, if you become a mother, you might also notice some post-partum hair-falling as well, but, don’t worry! Our specialised team are ready to help you restore your hair with our expect advice and world-class treatment options.
The third and final stage of hair thickness and consistency can appear almost overnight and can take some women a little by surprise. You might notice (for example, in a hairdresser’s mirror) that, from behind, the volume of hair has started to diminish (usually from around the mid-40s onwards.) Obviously, the age-ranges for these changes can vary greatly and extenuating circumstances (such as kidney health, for example) can also impact on hair growth and quality. Culturally, in many locations, female-identified individuals sometimes feel societal pressure to maintain long, flowing locks as a sign of wellbeing and even status. This is why a gentle approach is key to unlocking the best way to treat your hair-needs at every stage of the lifespan.
At Atlantis Medical, we listen. We care. We take your hair seriously and we want you to feel at your best in every situation.

We’re also aware that mitigating circumstances such as traction-alopecia (from wearing braids/hair extensions) can impact on your hair’s ability to rejuvenate itself, given the right treatment approach and state-of-the-art techniques.

Female Hair Loss Treatment

We listen to your concerns about how lifestyle, stress, even the environment plus normal hormonal changes over the lifespan can deeply impact your hair. This is where our friendly team at Atlantis Medical are ready to step in and help maximise your hair’s potential! Why wait? Pick up the phone or drop us a line. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Stages of hair loss in women


Women Hair Loss Treatment

Trichologists are working daily to devise new ways to treat women’s hair loss. We are across the latest in industry best-practices and our professional advice is second-to-none. This is why Atlantis Medical are your one-stop-shop for treating women’s hair loss. Our experienced and friendly team are also discreet; we respect your privacy and we understand that this can be an experience requiring a gentle approach.

This is why our reputation is growing so quickly as being the best-of-the-best; we genuinely care about how you feel, every step of the way, plus, we focus on results! You will feel immediately at ease in our presence so make an appointment and find out why Atlantis Medical is the industry-leader!

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